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Dear Sir, Dear Madame,
The ubiquity of computers in the industry and our daily lives , in our homes, at our work place, in our car or our supermarket is a fascinatinating yet somehow frightening phenomenon.
New technologies have the potential to better our civilisation and facilitate the achievement of jobs that took hours, days or weeks to complete a few decades ago.
However, this constant technological evolution also means that machines become more and more complex and difficult to master. Substantial efforts are undertaken by manufacturers and software developers to wrap this inherent complexity with elegant and easy to use interfaces.
Nevertheless, computers still seem to possess the incredible ability of preventing us to carry out quickly very simple tasks.
We realize that this context is imperfect and we understand the frustration that may result from the prolonged exposure to a computer, which causes a sentiment of disappointment.
Bearing this in mind, we bring our competence to you to take care of any inconveniences that you may experience.
By calling for our services, you put not only your computer, but also your appreciation for informatics in our hands. It is really precious to us, that is why we will offer you the best possible support by combining our 3 primary principles: Reliability, Effectiveness et Transparency.
Sincerely Yours,